I am a strong woman. I have taken more than my fair share of shit and still I try to rise above and stay positive. I am very familiar with the phrase "it could always be worse". In a time of sorrow, it is crucial to stay aware of the blessings in your life. This too shall pass. Life is supposedly 10% what happens to you and 90% of how you deal with it. That leaves me pretty responsible for my own outcome doesn't it. So sulking is over for the most part...I'm sure it will creep up on me at the most inopportune moment again....but in the meantime I take the first step out of the shit pile that so unexpectedly graced me with it's presence. I assume the shit-stain will take a couple washes to completely come out, as they always do. One blessing that I must address as a lifesaver indeed is the friendships I have acquired over the years. I am quite lucky to know such beautiful people. I have said so many times when I get frustrated that I am tired of trying. Trying to get to where I want to be in all aspects. I keep my head up and I push through the shitty times only to find another one waiting impatiently to pounce on me and my sunny day. With enough hatred to move mountains, I approach each problem with my figurative fists clinched and always walk away to fight another day. I am jaded from all the "self-fights" I have been subjected to. I feel like a damn boxer with a cauliflower ear of life. So, it is time...time for a change. This lazy, loser, stoner is making moves :) Open-minded and driven by repetitive dissapointment, me, bitchcat and dumbdog are moving on up. I am better than this and it's time I prove it.
The weed can come too.